Community Outreach
MARRS proudly supports community involvement and outreach, and actively participates in promoting the field of engineering to high school students through multiple programs. Many of our staff memebers participate on outreach committees, volunteering their time to increase awareness of the issues, needs, and current climate in the Engineering world.
Become an Engineer" Campaign
The National Engineers’ Week (E-Week) was developed by a coalition of more than 75 engineering, professional and technical societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. E-Week promotes pre-college literacy in math and science, and strives to increase the understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers among high school students.
MARRS is an active organizer of the E-Week campaign. Our staff volunteers time to promote, administer and schedule presenations with high schools throughout Southern California. Our sucess over the past few years has garnered praise from all over the county and each year our presentation cont grows exponentially.
As an E-Week Presenter, you will visit a high school during February and March of a calendar year and share with the students your experiences as an Engineer. Presentations typically last from 30-35 minutes and can be made to a classroom or larger assembly of students. The ACEC – Los Angeles Chapter has prepared and will make available for your use a 15-20 minute PowerPoint presentation titled “Become an Engineer”. For more information about E-Week and/or becoming involved with the campaign as a volunteer or presenter, please contact MARRS headquarters.
CalSOP: California Student Outreach Program
A subcommittee of the ACEC-CA/Caltrans District 7 Professional Liaison Committee (PLC), CalSOP was formed during the PLC meeting of December 19, 2006 to develop a strategy and implementation plan to attract more students, especially high school age, towards engineering and surveying careers. Rubina Chaudhary, MARRS Services, Inc. was designated as Subcommittee chair-person. Other subcommittee members were David Tiberi, Athalye Consulting Engineering; Stephanie Turk, Pinnacle One; Cheri Carpenter, Bon Terra Consulting; Ralph Wong, Caltrans. The group has evolved but the purpose remains steadfast. Each year CalSOP offers scholarships and opportunities to high school students in Los Angeles County and surrounding communities.