Sustainability – Resource Conservation

MARRS is committed to the vision of preserving the environment and utilizing practices that facilitates sustainability of our natural resources. We promote sustainable practices in our own daily operations, and partner with our clients to develop and implement innovative approaches to sustainability and resource conservation.
MARRS understands and endorses the concept of utilizing renewable and sustainable energy (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, etc.) to reduce the carbon foot print and resource conservation by capturing and reusing storm water, reclaimed water, and recycling of demolition materials. This is demonstrated by our many projects including Potrero Canyon Sustainable Park Development and the City of Los Angeles’ Green Street and Active Transportation project and being a key contributor in the Green Building aspect of the Los Angeles World Airports CIP projects and the iconic Los Angeles Metro Division 13 Bus Maintenance and Operation project that achieved LEED NC Gold certification.
The environment is a top priority for MARRS and our staff, and we are sensitive to the environment and aware of our client’s sustainability policy. Sustainability goals and requirements are met by evaluating every project beginning at project inception. Life-cycle-cost and return-on-investment analyses are completed using the United States Green Building Councils (USGBC) current LEED® criteria, unless otherwise directed. We demonstrate our commitment through our support of the employees’ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) education and accreditation, and our good housekeeping practices.
Let MARRS assist you in your sustainability and resource conservation activities. As stated in the mission of the Natural Resources Conservation Service; “Helping People Help the Land”.