MARRS Awarded Supplemental Construction Management Services Contract for LADWP
Jan 2019
MARRS was awarded this comprehensive construction management contract in late July 2019, and will provide the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) with services that include: scheduling, value engineering, constructability reviews, cost estimating, project controls and other quality and testing services under this $12 million contract.

MARRS Receives Two, One-Year Extensions for the Construction Management Support Services (CMSS) Contract for Metro Bus Projects
Jan 2019
MARRS Services, Inc. received LA Metro Board approval, June 28th 2019 for a two-year extension on its current Construction Management Support Services contract. This $3 million dollar award will allow MARRS to continue to provide Metro staff with skilled and qualified construction management support to efficiently and effectively augment its technical resources.

MARRS Wins the California Waterfix Contract as a Subconsultant to Jacobs
Jan 2019
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs) and its team will assist in the reform of the state’s obsolete water infrastructure by supporting this 15-year program.
As sea levels continue to rise, the Delta will be faced with increasing water levels and salinity, which will dramatically alter and harm water quality and supply locally, and for 27 million Californians across the state.“WaterFix is one of the highest profile infrastructure projects in the nation, essential to secure clean water su...

MWD Awards MARRS a Prime Contract for the On-Call IT Services Contract for Category 8: Project Management and Control
Jan 2019
On January 24, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) announced that MARRS was chosen as for the project management and controls project under the IT Services On-Call Contract. For this contract MARRS will develop and implement turnkey PMCS, generate status reports and provide schedule and cost control to individual projects.

LABOE Awards MARRS a Prime Contract for the On-Call Bridge-Civil Engineering Design and Support Services Project.
Dec 2018
On December 5, MARRS received notice of award for this contract and will perform pre-design, design, construction engineering, project management, and other professional support services on bridge and street projects.

MARRS Awarded Prime On-Call Contract from MWD for Construction Management and Inspection Support Services
Dec 2018
Metropolitan Water District (MWD) awards MARRS a new contract for construction management and inspection services. Under this contract MARRS will review and deliver CEQA documents, traffic congestion studies, oversee construction activities, and perform inspections, as required.

MARRS Wins Task Order 46 - a Project for Silver Lake Reservoir Stormwater Capture
Nov 2018
The City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works awarded MARRS a $927 thousand task order contract to perform design services for capture of stormwater, as part of the rehabilitation of the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex (SLRC). This award, part of MARRS’ existing On-Call Civil Engineering Services Contract to perform the Pre-Design and Final, will improve water quality in the watershed through the Upper LA River Watershed Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP).

MARRS Receives ACEC 2017 Engineering Excellence Award for its $6.1M contract for the On-Call Bus Facilities Construction Management Project for Division 13 Bus Parking Garage and O&M Facility
Jun 2017
This 33-acre Division 13 campus was the first new maintenance and operation facility commissioned by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation (LA Metro) in nearly 30 years. MARRS won the contract in 2011 and responded to more than 20 task orders, providing everything from project and construction management, to SWPPP, to constructability views, project controls and scheduling in order to accommodate a fleet of 200 CNG buses and a three-story, 442,655-square-foot multi-level parking ...

MARRS Wins LAWA’s $42.5M Global Project Controls Contract with JV Partner Lenax Construction Services, Inc.
Jun 2016
Integrated Project Controls Team JV, LLC (IPCT), which is a joint venture partnership between MARRS Services, Inc. and Lenax Construction Services, Inc. wins the $9.05 million Capital Improvement Program at Los Angeles World Airports. This Project Controls Support Services contract includes tasks such as: project scheduling, cost estimation, cost engineering, risk management, risk assessment and value management. In addition to these tasks, IPCT will also provide staff support to other LAWA...

$100M Bus Facility Goes for Gold In Los Angeles
Nov 2012
MARRS is the Construction Manager on the new $100-million bus facility for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Being built to achieve LEED Gold certification, the 442,265-sq-ft project will stack vehicles in a state-of-the art three-story building. Click here to read the article published in ENR Magazine.

WBEC West Supplier of the Year Nominee - Class 2
Sep 2012
MARRS, a WEBENC certification holder, was a 2012 nominee for the Women's Business Enterprise Council - West 9th Annual Strategic Proceurement Opportunity Conference and Awards Gala in San Diego, CA. Visit the WEBEC-West website for more information.

OCTA Capital Program Forum 2010
Dec 2010
MARRS president Rubina Chaudhary was one of three participants on a small business panel, hosted by The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), to share her expertise and strategy as a growing small business owner. MARRS and OCTA have worked together on many projects since 2001.

ACEC-CA LA Chapter Member of The Year
Jun 2010
MARRS was awarded "Member of the Year" distinction from the ACEC-CA Los Angeles Chapter on June 10, 2010. MARRS President, Rubina Chaudhary, also serves on the ACEC-CA Los Angeles Chapter member of the year.

SCOOP Small Business Success Story
Sep 2009
As part of the San Diego County Water Authority's "Small Contractor Outreach and Opportunities Program" (SCOOP), MARRS president Rubina Chaudhary presented her success story in growing and developing MARRS at the Committee Meeting held on September 2, 2009 at SDCWA's Library Conference Room.

Highlights of the Year
May 2007
Small businesses can do great things.That’s the philosophy behind Metropolitan’s Regional/Small Business Program. The premise is fairly simple: reinvest ratepayer dollars in local economic development by committing a portion of contracting dollars to local and small businesses, give business owners the skills and tools to compete for public agency contracts, and then introduce them to the
people doing the hiring.
One person who has benefited from the program is Rubina Chaudhary, pre...

Become an Engineer! - Internships and E-Week
Jan 2007
MARRS began support for the “Become an Engineer” campaign in 2007, furthering its efforts to educate and bring engineering career ideas to High School Students in the Southern California. MARRS has supported E-Week (Engineer's Week) since February 2008, bringing engineering orientation presentations to High Schools throughout Los Angeles and Orange County. MARRS has been sponsoring high school student internships since 2005 and is a proud participant of the City of Los An...
MARRS wins the Consultant /Project Management Contract with the Victor Valley Construction Transit Authority
Feb 2022
This project was awarded to MARRS in February 2022, and will include two design-build projects consisting of a liquid delivery Hydrogen fueling station for the VVTA fleet and the public, and a transfer hub for Hesperia, which will feature restrooms. In addition, the contract also includes renovation projects for the newly acquired Victorville Transfer Hub.