Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), I-405 Widening/Express Lanes Project Management Consultant Support

Services Provided:
Utility Engineering
Roadway Impacts Avoidance
ROW Impact Avoidance
Conflict Matrix Preparation
Design-Build Pkg. Preparation
Risk Assessment
Third-Party Coordination
Agreements Preparation
Potholing & Surveying Mgmt.
Traffic Control Plan Preparation
Cost Estimating
Document Control
In collaboration with Caltrans District 12, OCTA widened the I-405 from the I-605 to the SR-73 (about 16 miles) to add a general purpose lane in each direction. The project also included replacement of 18 bridges/overpasses and adding thousands of feet of soundwall. From SR-73 to I-605 a new express lane was added to the existing carpool lane for a total of two lanes in each direction.
MARRS supported the program management team with field investigations, preliminary engineering, project management, utility coordination, design, and development of the design-build RFP. MARRS led the positive utility identification (potholing) effort through meetings and coordination with over 50 utility companies. Tasks included developing relocation strategies for impacted utilities, scheduling and assisting the dry utilities with their relocations, providing design services for relocations of the wet utilities (sewer, storm drain, water, fire lines and hydrants), and preparing utility agreements. This involved on-going coordination with the utility companies, and entering into utility relocation agreements with the owners, along with cost sharing arrangements based on prior rights.
MARRS’ engineering and estimating personnel analyzed and processed over 150 utility relocations. Our utility/third-party coordination efforts brought many utility owners together to develop a comprehensive utility protection/relocation strategy, resulting in affirmative utility relocation agreements. MARRS developed relocation strategies for impacted utilities, scheduling, and assisting the dry utilities. The scope of work included design and coordination of design-related services for the relocation and protection in place of 13 water lines and one sewer line in accordance with the project requirements, local jurisdictions and/or utility companies.
MARRS also prepared the pothole plan and traffic control plans for approximately 200 potholes. MARRS adjusted utilities to more accurately represent the master utility file, according to findings in the field, and conducted desk research and recorded maintenance logs, as-builts, and existing models to generate a thorough understanding of all existing information regarding the existing facilities. MARRS verified as-built drawings' general details and conducted observation of site conditions that may have changed before the drawing was completed and recorded potential unforeseen site conditions, which may have complicated construction of building expansion or homeless encampments and provided field reconnaissance to verify as-built drawing general details and conduct observation of site conditions that may have changed since the drawing was completed.
MARRS provided the composite utility plan (provided by PMC) to show all utilities in the area which includes all utility service drop locations, street lighting systems to be identified, driveways, utility services, transformers, pedestals, trees/landscaping. The plan is used to coordinate relocation work, target conflict, delays, and hazards. MARRS provided preliminary plan concept designs, took boring samples to determine the subsurface conditions, and assessed roadway, right-of-way, and other construction impacts of each utility, to determine relocation options or workarounds to project design to avoid conflict. MARRS also coordinated with roadway and right-of-way design groups to ensure relocations and to avoid potential future impact.
Project Features:
• Lane Addition
• Express Lanes
• Bridge Widening
• Utilities Relocation