United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), IDIQ Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) and Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Sites

Services Provided:
Environmental Documents Assessment & Preparation
Hazardous Material/ Waste Investigations
Geophysical Survey
GIS Mapping
Sampling & Analysis
Intrusive Investigation
Agency Approvals
Interagency Coordination
Permitting/Licensing Approvals
Contract Administration
Under a $3M Indefinite Delivery contract for the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District, MARRS provided MMRP and Hazardous, Toxic, and Radiological Waste (HTRW) environmental services. A
A brief description of two tasks is provided below:
For Task Order 0004, Contaminated Site Remediation, Army Reserve Center, MARRS conducted the excavation, sampling, analysis, and drum and soil disposal activities of the contents for 374, 55 gallon drums that were unearthed during a new building construction project at the U.S. Army Reserve Center Garden Grove (USARC Garden Grove). The objective of this investigation was to excavate and characterize the contents of the buried drums and to determine if the subsurface soils within the immediate vicinity of the drums have been impacted by any release from the drums that may pose a human health risk to the surrounding community.
For Task Order 0001, Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study (RIFS) under the MMRP for the Former Mojave Gunnery Range “C” (MGRC), MARRS facilitated four technical project planning meetings involving all major stake holders consisting of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Navy, Californian Department of Toxic Substance Control, California Fish and Game, Center for Public Environmental Oversight, Kern County Sheriff Departments, California City Mayor, City council members and their Police and Fire Departments, Hyundai America Technical Center, Inc., and the Strata Equity Group. MARRS developed the project work plan which consisted of technical management, field management, quality control, explosive management, explosives siting, environmental protection, geophysical prove-out, sampling and analysis, accident prevention, and the Site Specific Health and Safety Plans. MARRS conducted a geophysical prove-out which evaluated geophysical equipment for the field investigation. Field work consisted of visual surveys, subsurface digital geophysical mapping, target reacquisition, intrusive investigation, and munitions constituents sampling. Soil sampling for Munitions Constituents (MC) was performed at selected locations where visual and geophysical data indicated the presence of munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) or munitions debris (MD) as well as where blown-in-place (BIP) disposal of MEC was conducted (two 100-lb high explosive World War II-era bombs).
Project Features:
• Contaminated Site
• Remediation
• Unexploded Ordinance (UXO)
• Munition & Explosives of Concern (MEC)