US Navy Base Relocation and Closure (BRAC), Environmental Technical and Program Support, BRAC Program Management Office (PMO)

Services Provided:
Multiple Task Orders
Water and Wastewater
Storm Water
Solid Waste
Water Quality/ Treatment
Hazardous Materials
MARRS supported the BRAC PMO program by facilitating the environmental clean-up through the use of Remedial Project Managers, Remedial Technical Managers, Facility Managers, NEPA Planners, Business Support Analysts and Administrative Support. We supported BRAC offices in San Diego, Washington DC, Philadelphia, PA and Charleston, SC. The goal of the program was to reduce excess infrastructure and increase mobility of scarce dollars to areas that result in increasingly-improved DoD readiness and to transform the infrastructure that remains in a manner that reflects the changing DoD mission: Sustainability.
Specific tasks included: engineering, project management; environmental contractor management; remediation system design; EMS management and system design; process engineering, optimization and investigation; legal, legislative and litigation support; alternative energy; water/wastewater engineering; hazardous waste; CERCLA/RCRA; permitting (air, wastewater, storm water, HAZMAT, HazWaste); and environmental documentation, comment and review.
The project management services were provided by embedded MARRS employees working alongside Navy personnel as senior technical reviewers and Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) working with BRAC technical and management staff, as well as administrative support. The MARRS RPMs prepared scopes of work and support the contracting officer to provide technical evaluation of bid packages and support or advise on technical issues so that the contracting officer can award and kick-off the contract. The MARRS RPMs managed the scope, and hold the contractor to the project budget and schedule. The MARRS RPM was the Navy’s representative and responsible for the successful completion of the task, as defined in the contract. The MARRS staff RPM also communicated with the state and federal regulators, as a support to the Navy’s lead RPM, and the Base Environmental Closure Manager (BEC), NAVY base staff (such as the ROICC), BRAC program management, and community stake-holders on a routine basis.
Project Features:
• Environmental Clean-Up
• Sustainability
• EMS Management
• Alternative Energy